FiberLight Success Story - Accelerating Nationwide e-Learning Performance

Accelerating Nationwide E-Learning Performance

Boosting Speed, Reliability, Performance 和 More for Ongoing Educational 支持

FiberLight’s cloud 和 暗纤维溶液s helped this online education services company empower its mission-critical applications 和 supported the company as it launched itself into a new era of accelerated growth.


One Florida-based online education program services provider partnering with top universities across the U.S. 和 reaching more than 50 campuses provides a great example of how enhanced networking is key to success.

Online Education Management 服务 Company

Solutions: 黑暗的纤维 / 云连接

  • 两层网络
  • Accelerated performance
  • 增强控制
  • 增加可扩展性
  • 更好的安全性
FiberLight Success Story - Online Education Management 服务
88% 降低存储成本
24 光纤环数
10 GBPS骨干

Once we had 10Gbps to play with, email servers…were no issue. I knew that FiberLight was the best way to go. [Deploying a dark fiber ring] has been the best thing that we’ve done.


Online Education Management 服务 Company
